Pick a plan that works best for your restaurant
As the #1 category leader in food, DoorDash can help you expand your restaurant business and make more sales — without taking a hit to your profit margin.
Flexible solutions for every restaurant
Grow on your terms
Reach new customers and drive profits with a partnership plan and commission that works for you.
Extend your hospitality
Provide special offers, modify orders, add personal notes, and respond to reviews for DoorDash customers.
Streamline your operations
Choose how you receive orders: tablet, your existing POS system, or another way.
Your door to more profitable growth
We're here to help you navigate the endless complexities of running a business.

Get your business on the DoorDash app, unlock sales, and introduce your store to active new customers in your area.

Deliver a best in-class customer experience — whether that’s in-store or off-premise — with this à la carte suite of first-party solutions.
Deliver hospitality, your way
You bring your own unique spin on hospitality to your neighborhood. With DoorDash, it’s simple to keep up that connection with your regular customers — while welcoming new ones.
Enjoy choice and flexibility
With customizable products and solutions for all types of restaurants — plus the ability to adjust menu offerings and operating hours in real time — you’re in control of your DoorDash partnership.

Easily manage your DoorDash store
Merchant tools help you manage your DoorDash business. Review live orders, communicate with drivers and customers, respond to customer reviews, analyze sales, and more. Plus, get 24/7 phone and chat support and a personal support contact for all your DoorDash needs.
500,000+ merchants trust DoorDash to help them grow
There are over 500,000 total stores on DoorDash Marketplace, and over 250,000 merchants use Online Ordering or Drive On-Demand.
"DoorDash makes my job easier because they know what they're doing. We have the same goal — we want the food to be hot and on time for the customer. If we work together with the same rhythm, we're going to do that."
Emad Jandali
Owner, Damas Mediterranean Grill

Frequently Asked Questions
Restaurants receive a notification when a customer has placed an order. You’ll have the opportunity to accept the order and confirm an estimated prep and delivery time. Then, simply prepare the items and hand them off to a Dasher for delivery, or let customers come to you for Pickup.
Once an order is ready for delivery, a Dasher will arrive at your location to pick up the package before transporting it to the customer. Customers can track order progress through DoorDash’s state-of-the-art logistics platform and tip drivers.
Yes, DoorDash Drive On-Demand is a white-label delivery product designed specifically for businesses with their own ordering platforms. Accept orders through your own systems, then partner with Dashers for delivery.
Yes, DoorDash offers Self-Delivery, which enables restaurants to accept orders through DoorDash but use their own fleets for fulfillment.
Alcohol delivery with DoorDash is available in a growing number of locations for alcohol retailers and restaurants, subject to local laws and regulations.
Read more frequently asked questions here. You can always contact us as well, or get in touch with support if you’re already a partner.