Contact DoorDash for Merchants

Talk to our sales team
Want to speak to a DoorDash for Merchants sales representative? Contact us online and we'll get back to you as soon as possible, or call us Monday-Friday:
United States and Canada: 855-554-5779
Australia: 1800-717-576
Get merchant support
Already a DoorDash merchant? Browse the Learning Center and for answers to your questions, or call merchant support:
United States (English and Español): +1-855-222-8111
Canada (English): 647-957-7219
Canada (Français): 855-643-8439
Australia: 1800-958-316
New Zealand: +64-800-001-188

Not a merchant and need to contact DoorDash Support?

I'm a customer
Get help with your DoorDash orders, payments, and account management as a customer on DoorDash.

I'm an employer
Find the right DoorDash for Business plan for your team, whether remote, hybrid, or in-office.