For restaurants, creating a top-notch customer experience is no small feat — it’s not just about food quality, it’s also about service, reliability, and the overall experience. The Most Loved program recognizes restaurants that excel in all of these areas.
The Most Loved All Star list is even more impressive — fewer than 1% of restaurants on the platform qualify. The restaurants on this local All Star list aren’t just some of the top-rated spots on DoorDash in San Francisco, they’re also guaranteed to be the most efficient and reliable. Visit them all!
2339 Clement St
San Francisco, CA
Ginza Sushi
1793 Haight St
San Francisco, CA
Glaze Donuts and Bagels Sandwiches
4499 Mission St
San Francisco, CA
Little Original Joe's
393 W Portal Ave
San Francisco, CA

Mangrove Kitchen
312 Divisadero St
San Francisco, CA
One Waan Thai
2922 Diamond St
San Francisco, CA
Senor Sisig
990 Valencia St
San Francisco, CA

Shanghai Dumpling King
696 Monterey Blvd
San Francisco, CA
758 Valencia St
San Francisco, CA
Yuanbao Jiaozi
2110 Irving St
San Francisco, CA
The Most Loved All Stars list was generated by analyzing data from April 2021 to April 2022. All restaurants who achieved Most Loved status for at least ten months qualified for All Star in-app promotion and relevant local lists. Those merchants with 5 stores or less who had achieved Most Loved status were ranked by most months qualified then average overall customer rating with the top 10 being named to the local list.