For restaurants, creating a top-notch customer experience is no small feat — it’s not just about food quality, it’s also about service, reliability, and the overall experience. The Most Loved program recognizes restaurants that excel in all of these areas.
The Most Loved All Star list is even more impressive — fewer than 1% of restaurants on the platform qualify. The restaurants on this local All Star list aren’t just some of the top-rated spots on DoorDash in Chicago, they’re also guaranteed to be the most efficient and reliable. Celebrate their achievement by ordering from one of the restaurants on the list today!
Chicago Taco Authority
4219 W Irving Park Rd
Chicago, IL
Honey Butter Fried Chicken
3361 N Elston Ave
Chicago, IL

Humboldt Haus
2958 W North Ave
Chicago, IL
North Buena Wine Shop and Deli
4200 N Broadway
Chicago, IL
Salad House
3176 N Broadway St
Chicago, IL

Sinya Mediterranean
3224 N Damen Ave.
Chicago, IL
The Boiler Room
2210 N California Ave
Chicago, IL
The Pasta Bowl
4343 N Lincoln Ave
Chicago, IL

Urban Vegan
1601 W Montrose Ave
Chicago, IL
1542 N Damen Ave
Chicago, IL
The Most Loved All Stars list was generated by analyzing data from April 2021 to April 2022. All restaurants who achieved Most Loved status for at least ten months qualified for All Star in-app promotion and relevant local lists. Those merchants with 5 stores or less who had achieved Most Loved status were ranked by most months qualified then average overall customer rating with the top 10 being named to the local list.